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Underwater mining is inexpensive, effective and denies the free movement of maritime assets. 双鹰家族确保安全, cost-efficient and reliable Mine Countermeasures (MCM) operations.


Modern mine reconnaissance and mine disposal demands a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) able to operate in extreme environments and combat the most advanced modern mine.

The 双鹰家族 is a safe and operationally proven system, used by navies around the world. Three base configurations and mission unique payloads provide capabilities for a wide range of operational scenarios.

The 双鹰 Systems are in operation with many Navies around the world.

The vehicles can be launched from any type of ship, from the shore, or from a craft of opportunity. 所有 双鹰 systems can be housed in a standard container, providing a deployable solution across a variety of platforms.

双鹰 systems features high precision manoeuvrability, achieved by a user-friendly control interface and six Degrees Of Freedom (6 DOF) movement.


The 双鹰 我的处理 System (MDS) is the market leading solution for non-expendable mine disposal. Operationally proven and continually upgraded over time, it is the first choice for many navies worldwide.

The robust design and short turnaround time make the 双鹰MDS a highly cost-efficient choice for mine disposal.

The 双鹰MDS enables safe and effective MCM operations and is a user-friendly system that delivers a high level of availability and reliability.

A modular and flexible approach to the disposal capability ensures effective operations regardless of the mission’s requirements. The MDS can be launched and recovered using a standard ship’s crane and is readily integrated into any combat management system. Power is supplied through the tether providing practically unlimited endurance.


The SAROV brings an autonomous capability to the 双鹰家族. In the SAROV configuration the vehicle can be used both as an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for detection, 分类和鉴定, 也可以作为水下机器人来处理地雷.

The 双鹰萨洛夫 is a safe, versatile and cost-efficient hybrid system.

SAROV's robust design and mission modularity provides exceptional mission performance and delivers significant range and endurance, making it suitable for a variety of missions, 包括搜索操作, underwater surveys and Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA).

When used as an ROV the vehicle operates via one of two tethers. Either using a thin fibre optic tether for real-time communication on long-range missions (>3 km) with power supplied by an internal battery or through a combined power and communication tether, 标准长度为1,000米耐力要求高的任务. The SAROV may also be operated without a tether, further increasing its range and delivering a truly hybrid capability.


MuMNS (Multi-Shot Mine Neutralisation System), the latest addition to the 双鹰家族, is a highly effective and versatile mine neutralisation system that significantly increases the operational tempo of an MCM mission with its ability to carry not one but three charges thereby negating the requirement for constant launch and recovery operations.

The MuMNS is effective against a wide range of conventional underwater ordnance including both buoyant and ground mines.

The MuMNS is effective against a wide range of underwater targets.

MuMNS comprises an ROV equipped with up to three Mine Neutralisation System (MNS) charges, a surface unit including Launch and Recovery System (LARS) along with winch and tether. The vehicle utilizes a shaped charge enabling high order target detonation.

The compact design and small overall footprint of the MuMNS allows deployment from a wide range of platforms including most significantly Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV).


DAMDIC is a medium size mine disposal charge (MDC) for use from ROVs, such as the 双鹰. The DAMDIC is designed for precision laying and based on the bulk charge principle.

The DAMDIC is integrated as a payload on the 双鹰MDS and SAROV.

The DAMDIC was developed with the highest possible safety in mind; it does not contain batteries or other energy sources and can only be detonated when submerged. Even after being deployed, the DAMDIC can be safely recovered.

Thanks to the specially developed fins and a dynamical sight system that calculates the precise drop point, the operator can drop the charge from a distance up to several meters from the mine.

为了培训操作员, the DAMDIC is available in a training variant, where the blast charge is replaced by a float and a retrieval wire.



Saab's 双鹰家族 includes a selection of underwater vehicles for mine countermeasure operations. With different vehicle configurations and payload integration, 每种情况都有解决方案. Here are some more facts you may not already know.

  • The “Double” in 双鹰 comes from double hull as the vehicle’s predecessor had only one hull
  • Thousands of mines have been disposed by 双鹰s over the years
  • The rotor magnets in the thrusters are matched to get lowest possible magnetic signature
更多的 than 70 双鹰 vehicles have been delivered to navies around the world.


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