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Saab Global


具有深水能力, 长偏移范围, 先进的AUV功能和六个自由度, 全自主导航,标配INS-DVL. Sabertooth是同类最佳的IMR平台.



可提供单壳和双壳, 剑齿虎是一种非常强大但重量很轻的武器, 维护和修理(IMR)平台.

Its small size, tether-free operation and manoeuvrability ensure easy and safe access inside and around complex structures. This makes it ideal for offshore survey work and autonomous IMR of subsea installations and tunnels.




该模式具有基于行为的架构, 由惯性导航系统和多普勒速度日志支持.

Features include mission-planning software with possibility for a with the possibility for the customer-intelligent payload to take control, plus our API means that customer/third-party software can become the backseat driver.


Sabertooth is given step-by-step instructions from an operator over an optical through-water or acoustic communication link. Each step is then verified by video or sonar data and sent back via the through-water communication link.


The vehicle can be operated manually via a fibre-optic tether or an optical through-water communication link. This mode is typically used during the final approach to a docking node or during intervention. 如果链接中断,则启用预先编程的紧急例程.

System overview

如果用作海底常驻系统, the vehicle is housed at the docking unit where its batteries can be recharged. This unit allows data to be uploaded to the surface and new instructions to be downloaded.

Sabertooth can swim autonomously to the docking unit and remain there 24/7 for more than six months without maintenance, 消除水面舰艇的成本.

This deep-water hovering hybrid AUV/ROV benefits from 360° manoeuvrability with six degrees of freedom, 传感器和辅助设备接口. 它还采用了先进的自动驾驶功能.

Sabertooth has the capability for non-invasive self-diagnostics and includes a fault-tolerant control system. A remote internet interface is available as a resource for technical support if needed.

Tooling packages can also be stored in the vicinity of the vehicle and used as required. For the ROV mode there is a wide range of winches and tethers available.



  • 一个电池驱动的氙气应急频闪灯,用于定位车辆
  • 支持各种MBE和SSS系统
  • 各种相机选项,如ipd到SIT相机的支持
  • A cleaning brush, incorporating a heavy-duty brush and an SM7 thruster motor
  • 声波导航和通信仪器
  • 支持各种机械手选项


  • Available winch options include an automatic tension control if used in tethered applications
  • Sabertooth坞站的深度为3,000 m, providing a battery recharging facility and protection for the vehicle for 6 months

Did you know...

剑齿虎是一个灵活多变的系统, 哪一种可以在广阔的水下作业区域使用. Here are some interesting facts about Sabertooth you may not already know.

  • The Sabertooth system has been demonstrated at NASA´s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL). As part of a symposium, Sabertooth was unleashed in the NBL’s massive 23.500万升的油箱在德克萨斯州的休斯顿
  • 与剑齿虎, the user can access installations that cannot be reached with ships due to ice or weather conditions
  • 剑齿虎是海底居民. A Subsea Docking Station is used for parking and operating the vehicle under water for a longer time

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